Liivi of kha

| Mercenary | Explorer | Warchief-to-Be |
Forever Seeking The Horizon

Character Biography

"Come, Sasha. We go."
-Liivi, to his warhorse, Sasha
Standing at 8 fulms/2 ilms, Liivi's particular sect of Kha cut their teeth in the warring plains of the Azim Steppes, serving whomever seemed the most interesting at the time whenever time for bloodshed came, but taking no part in their politics. Nomadic at heart, Liivi longed to see more of the world and when he came of age, set out across the seas to find his way to new lands and possibilities after the devastation of his sect left him an orphan child and sole survivor.Coming of the clan Kha, it is Liivi's dream to explore the far corners of Eorzea, learning of it's peoples, it's histories and Gods old and new.As well as forging his own Warband to pilfer and pillage the enemies of the realm of all they're worth.

Proud Warrior
Loot Enthusiast
Animal Friend

"You see, Sasha? Many glittering prizes for us this day."
-Liivi, to his Fenrisian Pup, Sasha
- Bisexual
- He/Him- LGBTQ+ Friendly- Gentle Disposition when not in combat. When faced with violence, there is a relishing enjoyment to his fighting. Through rigorous training in his youth as well as hypnotherapy and somatic-suggestion given from the mystic leaders of his tribe, Liivi's metabolism can skyrocket to facilitate a much faster healing rate to the point he can soldier through wounds considered mortal. But this does not mean he IS immortal, as enough damage can overwhelm this healing factor.- Roughly 25 standard years old.- A Beastmaster at heart, has a collection of large beasts that follow him. All of them are named Sasha and all of them know to whom which Sasha he is addressing, regardless of context.- Does not speak Common very well, opting for very short, yet highly expressive words/sentences. Speaks fluently a dialect of Xaelic, based around animalistic growling, and grunting. Slowly but surely, he learns the language through osmosis. Reading is a whole other matter, though.

Disposition and Hooks

-Plundering the enemy for all he can
-Ara Ara energy
-Seeking out new experiences
-Food. All of it. (Yes. ALL of the food.)
-Those who treat friends and family with kindness
-Those who treat foes of the realm with scorn and destruction
-Mysticism and Folklore
-Small, defenseless (or maybe not so defenseless) creatures.
-Cuddling by the fire
-Judgemental attitudes
-Cruelty upon those who cannot defend themselves.
-Robots. (They have no souls!)
-Wasting resources for no discernible reason
-Being alone
- Liivi's particular sect of Kha were shamanistic and primitive in their ways. Perhaps his practices of worship to various Gods can catch someone's eye or ear.- Those interested in Shamanism or perceptible to the auras of others would see that while for the most part, Liivi's aether is pure, there is the smallest taint of the void. Something follows him. Watches him. Is it malign, or is it benevolent? Only investigation will tell.- Chefs of Eorzea and beyond! Your greatest patron is here! There have been tales of a massive, barbaric Xaela making his way into venues and gatherings and absolutely DEMOLISHING open food bars. There are whispers that his belly is, in fact, bottomless.- Bloodpit Enthusiasts! One would have seen a large Xaela fitting Liivi's description fighting for several years in the pits of Ul'dah, before up and vanishing. One side says that the combatant simply got tired of being restrained, broke his bonds and left. The other, says that a slave killed his benefactors and was put to death. Are you a fan of Bloodsports? Are you a past slaver? Are you one who takes pity on those in the Pits? Perhaps you recognize him...- General Adventuring information holds tale of a large man of Xaelic origin pillaging and plundering bandit camps across Eorzea. It also holds to the idea that his wealth accumulated thus far is vast and a great deal of Allagan Technology has been stolen from various grave robbers and thieves that could possibly be recovered or studied.
Terms To Watch Out For- Ghoti - Women of high position were referred to as "Ghoti" in Liivi's clan, a term of respect and admiration, for they were among the wisest and most powerful when it came to weaving aether in various ways. Coming from a Matriarchy gone awry, Liivi holds women who conduct magic in the highest regard, using this title to identify them. However, as of recent, that application has seen a diminishing capacity as he learns the ways of Eorzea, merging them with his own. (Comparable to -San or -Sama inflections of the Hingan dialect)- Rout - The title of males who participate in hand to hand combat on behalf of the Ghoti. To be of the Rout is the highest honor a man can hold for Liivi's Sect of Kha, as it promises favor from the Gods and Ghoti alike.- Underverse - The Aetherial Sea/The Void. Only in rare, extreme cases would this term used, as the Underverse is seen as a dark and wicked place that no man nor Ghoti should ever tread lightly.- Oververse - Space/The Heavens/Anything to do with going up above the planet in either a real or contextual basis.- The Red Snow - The Rout are firmly instilled with the belief that when they die, their souls will sleep soundly within the Red Snow of the Underverse until an ancestor or Ghoti of whom they've won good favor of, comes to walk with them to the Oververse.--Wyrd - Usually governs magic, but also fate itself.-Morkai - The Wolf God of Death. The people of Liivi's homeland believed in a malevolent wolf-god that stalks them through the Underverse, whose bite heralds the end of life or "the cutting of one's thread".- Maleficarum - Foul or blood magic, curses and anything to do with Dynamis.

"Honor and Glory to you, friend. May your Gods and mine watch over you."

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